Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Learning on the job...

I was waiting to publish the 3 things that I learned from the new teacher training seminar, because it is one thing to regurgitate information immediately after, and another to actually use what you learned weeks later. Having said this, I've learned much more than 3 things from the training.

Among these are ...

1. The answer is no. I understand, but the answer is no.

This really stuck with me. High school students will always try to find a way out of class. It is much easier to say no than most people think. If you set out on a mission to say no of the get go, students will become discouraged and stop trying to get out of class at every opportunity.

2. I learned the think, pair, share technique.

I've already implemented this in my classroom. It if very effective in helping students find a comfort zone in public speaking. It gives them confidence to converse with a variety of people, and allows them to work well in groups. It is a speedy process and very focused, so students are not able to abuse class time with social mind wanderings.

3. Graphic Organizers are a helpful tool.

I have never spent much time with graphic organizers, but they have proved to be beneficial to my ability to teach. They help students organize their thoughts especially as a prelude to the writing process. I will be using many this year to help students improve their writing.

I'm in the middle of Week 1 at EVHS, and am absolutely loving it. It's been tough at times, but I've managed even better than I thought I would. Hopefully, I'll be able to sink into a rhythm soon, so that planning and teaching become more natural and less forced.

Thus far, I've been unable to take any photos of my classroom. They will be coming soon, I promise!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sam - this is really exciting! I am so glad that a few things stuck with you from our first session. We will "visit" with Rick Smith again on Wednesday for a few more strategies. Glad that you are getting some classroom management strategies going from day 1. This will be so helpful in making the year run smoothly. :)
