Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Neo...Seagal...what better?

The lesson on interactive learning was quite creative, as I enjoyed the video clips greatly. We live in such as amazing time as far as technology is concerned, and it's great that students have abilities and interests that engage them in the use of what is available. I think it's interesting, especially after attending the "gaming" seminar in Beaver Creek this summer, that students are able to showcase leadership abilities in different areas. Technology is a great tool. As time continues, I hope to keep up with the advancements and implement them in my classes.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

This is where the students do their learning!!!
This is the only window in the classroom, so I put my desk next to it... what a deal, huh?
Literacy standards, literary devices, elements of literature and more!!!

This is a shot of the day's lesson. It also shows my LCD, and a few of my bulletin boards. I've been really consistent with making the day's agenda readily available to my students...

Mr. Bartlett

It's an honor to see my name at the entrance to my classroom. It's a little dose of reality!!